Thursday, December 23, 2010

The Law and Disorder Seminar for Home Inspectors

For the last four years, I have traveled the length and breadth of America - well, the lower 48 - presenting the Law and Disorder seminar. The first time I gave it was in early 2007 - to four (4) [count ‘em] - home inspectors in Plymouth Meeting, Pennsylvania.

Now, at 6’ 2”, I’m accustomed to being the tallest person in the room. Not that day. Two of the four inspectors who came were Ben Gromicko and Bruce Lampe, and both men tower over me. Another one was John Murray who came all the way from the Cincinnati, Ohio area to attend. I could pick the fourth out of a lineup but, alas, encroaching geezerhood is thwarting the retrieval of his name from my memory bank.

Since that inauspicious beginning, about 1,500 inspectors have attended the seminar in both the United States and Canada. I really enjoy giving the seminar and meeting the home inspectors who attend. And I never tire of hearing how much inspectors enjoyed the seminar and how grateful they are to have finally found a lawyer who “gets” it. It’s very gratifying. And humbling.

The problem with the seminars though - to be blunt - is that they are a pain in the (you know what) to put together. I’ll plan, say, to be in Columbus, Ohio four weeks out. Well, to make that event viable for me, I have to clear $700. Just to cover my expenses: travel, hotel room, meals and cost of venue. So, at $40, I have to get at least 18 registrants to break even. Piece of cake, right? Who’s not going to part with $40 to listen to me speak for four hours. And get 4 CE Credits in the bargain? Nobody, right?

Wrong! The problem is folks won’t register early. They’ll wait til the last minute. I can’t tell you the number of seminars that I cancelled only to hear from “disappointed” inspectors who would not have been “disappointed” had they registered early.

Consequently, I am no longer scheduling seminars. I’m still going to give them. But only if they are sponsored by local chapters of national associations or major state associations. So, if you are the Education Chairman of your local InterNACHI or NAHI or ASHI chapter and you would like me to speak at your next Summer, Fall, Winter or Spring Convention call or email me. All I require is that you pay my expenses - airfare, hotel and meals.

And if you’re anywhere near Flatwoods, West Virginia, I’ll be speaking at the West Virginia Association of Home Inspectors 5th Annual Winter Workshop on February 4, 2011. I hope to see you there or at your own local Convention next year.


  1. Joe,

    I have been a trainer for most of my life and understand your perspective completely. The alternative is webinars. They can achieve extraordinarily results. Would you like to talk about how to make them effective? Drop me an email at if you would like to talk.


  2. Joe, I like the idea of a webinar. Just limit it to a reasonable number so we can get a question or two in.

    Since you haven't been on the West Coast for a while, this may be a good idea. Philippe Heller

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